Kaspersky Security for Mac

One of the top antivirus programs for Mac OS X, it has everything an antivirus should have. Offers protection against all types of malware, and it also has a parental control function. Has an easy-to-use interface, Mac-style, and as a Mac user almost anyone should feel at home with this antivirus. The only downside that I've found related to this antivirus is that sometimes it slows the computer down, not very much though, especially when you open pages stuffed with JavaScripts and links.


Along with top-notch protection against viruses, trojans, spyware, keyloggers and other malware that can infect your Mac, avast! also provides a few other nice features. One of them is an e-mail scanner, another one is an on-access scanner, and another one would be an on-demand scanner. avast! also has a free version, so you can get that if you want and see if you like its interface and its performance.


Avira is also one of the antiviruses that most Mac users like. It's quite a quiet antivirus, works silently in background, never slows your computer and has a free version. Although the free version is great to have, especially if you don't go frequently to the "back alleys of the internets", the full version offers quite a few nice additional functions. The only thing I don't like about Avira is that every now and then presents you with an advertising pop-up which you just have to close. Other than that, it's tip-top.


Although many people have given Mackeeper a bad name, I've never had any problems with it. And first of all, it's been built especially for Macs, working well with your browser. It's also a nice antivirus, and along with the quality protection that it offers also provides a function to delete a whole program or app infected with a virus, or just the virus itself, which makes it somewhat more flexible. It also has a clean-cache function, so with the click of a button you can easily get rid of all the crap accumulated in your computer, like cookies, or file residues that have remained in from accessing various sites.

By the way, the order I've put these antiviruses in this post has nothing to do with their quality. They're all great, so if you want an extra protection for your Mac, you can give any of these a check.

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